TOP 3 TOOLS you can use to release energetical blockages and transform limiting beliefs and get much closer to attracting better experiences and more ABUNDANCE in your life AT ALL LEVELS! (for spiritual women)
Are you ready to transform your life? Then read the following! Why is the following important? Because without doing the necessary work to release your emotional blockages, transforming your limiting beliefs and raising your frequency, you will forever stay STUCK and UNHAPPY.
The more you heal and release emotional blockages, the more your energetical frequency rises up and the closer you will get to attracting your true love soulmat, more money, more inner peace and self-confidence.
In a recent FB Live I did, a lady in my group commented that she can not heal because she IS BROKEN , which made me think that other women out there and maybe even yourself might think this to be true about yourself because of your difficult past, that you are BROKEN in some type of way or form and there is no hope for you, which is completely not true!
You are not a lamp, not a wood table, not a glass that can be broken, you are an energetical being and energy can not be destroyed but only transformed .
So if you want to heighten your energetical frequency, here are my top 3 tools you can use to release energetical blockages and limiting beliefs and get much closer to attracting better experiences and more ABUNDANCE in your life.
TOOL NUMBER 1: – Identify a current trigger in your life. It can be a negative belief about yourself (I am broken, I am not enough, Something is wrong with me) or something that someone did to you and pissed you off. Practical exercise: Take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil , and jot down everything that comes up without judging anything what you are writing. Don’t try to analyze or understand and shut down your mental just for a moment and TRUST THAT WHATEVER COMES OUT ON THAT PAPER IS OK. You don’t need to judge it, to analyze it, to understand it, to make it valid or not. Trust yourself because the more you let your mental mind control your emotional mind, the more you will stay energetically blocked and tour energetical frequency will stay the same, therefore manifest the same S?*T IN YOUR LIFE. By writing down anything that you think or feel and expressing everything WITHOUT CENSORING YOURSELF, you will release emotional blockages and also identify current limiting beliefs that you might have underneath the ones that you are already aware of. These limiting beliefs are key for the next tool number 2 that will bring your transformation process further.
TOOL NUMBER 2: – Once you have identified the limiting beliefs in Tool number 1, it is time for you to transform these beliefs ! Practical exercise: Take a piece of paper and draw a table with two columns. In the 1st column to the left, write down your limiting negative beliefs (example: I am not worthy of love, I am not valuable, I am weird), and in the right column, write down new positive beliefs that you want to have (I am worthy of love, I love myself first, I am valuable, I am ok as I am, I accept myself fully). Try to memorize these new positive beliefs and AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP and WHEN YOU ARE JUST FALLING ASLEEP (BEST TIME TO REPROGRAM YOUR MIND), repeat these beliefs in your head for at least 30 days. Slowly but surely, your unconscious will buy into these new beliefs and your life will start to transform to reflect your NEW POSITIVE BELIEFS. SO WITHIN, SO WITHOUT! So within, so without means that your inner beliefs and thoughts manifest themselves in your outer reality. In order to transform your life , you need to transform yourself internally first! (Personal note: I will tattoo myself this sentence (so within, so without!), this is how much I believe it is true for anybody that wants to learn how to manifest more abundance in their life!). This is an UNIVERSAL TRUTH and when you have understood this, you have made A MAJOR LEAP IN YOUR LIFE!
TOOL NUMBER 3 – Choose your feelings consciously to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. If you are feeling anger, sadness, frustration, sorrow, grief, resentment, envy, jealousy, these are very low vibrational emotions that will keep you stuck in manifesting difficult situations OVER AND OVER AGAIN. If you feel stuck and unhappy and can’t manage to MANIFEST WHAT YOU REALLY WANT in your life, this is a powerful tool to GET UNSTUCK! Practical exercise: Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, imagine putting all your difficult emotions in a box and giving it away to the universe to transmute it into light and give thanks. Have the intention to heal and feel GRATITUDE for your healing! Your intention is a very powerful tool as well! You will feel instant relief and lighter than before, continue giving your heavy vibrational emotions for transmutation into light, until you feel that there is a empty space for new higher vibrational emotions to fill in that space that you have cleaned out: practice feeling more PEACE, LOVE, GRATITUDE and FAITH that anything you need will show up for you when you need it.
EXTRA TOOL NUMBER 4: MIND YOUR WORDS! Don’t speak negative words or affirmations into existence. Your words are very powerful! Be also aware of contradictions that might come out of your mouth like: I want more money, but I am broke! I want to meet someone that loves me but I am unlovable! It will cancel away all your positive intention because your words are like speaking a new reality into your existence.
If you practice all these 4 tools in the next months seriously, I guarantee this will change your life and you will start attracting better experiences and more abundance in your life, BUT YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK. Do not stay in a VICTIM MENTALITY and do the necessary work to take yourself outside of your current reality and manifest the best reality for yourself !
Ask me any questions you might have below.
Mystical Queen Goddess
Counselling therapist, spiritual guide and creator of the Transformation 360 method.
Because your Inner Queen wants you to experience abundance at all levels!