I want you to imagine a wild tropical forest. In this forest, there are only 5 possible tracks that you can walk on. These 5 tracks have existed for 30 years in this wild forest. They are easy to walk on, there are no debris or branches, they have been walked on so often that there is no obstacle…
Now, you have been given the mission to create new tracks in this wild forest. These new paths to be created are now full of branches, rocks, debris, etc. You have a lot of work on your plate to create these new paths and they need to be created because they will bring you much faster to an exact place in this forest this is ideal for you!
This ideal place is everything you have wished for, there are wild birds, sweet fruit trees, the most beautiful tropical trees and plants, a clear stream of water…it’s a dream tropical spot! These new paths that you have to create are the only ones that will bring you to this paradisiac place!
Now, the brain is wired the same way as this tropical forest. You have wired your brain since your childhood and you are still functioning based on the paths you have created in your brain.
Each day, you are THINKING, FEELING and ACTING based on the paths that have been created on your brain. It’s so easy to walk on these paths because these are the paths that you’ve always walked on…they became habits…habits that are hard to change…
If the neuronal connections (brain neurons that connect with other neurons to create new ways of thinking) that have been wired in your brain are based on the following assumptions (beliefs):
all these paths will bring you to the exact same place in your life: a place where you feel not important, not valued, not enough, not loved, not loving yourself, pushing the energy of money away from you or not managing well your money…
because of these walked-on old brain paths…you continue having the same beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions…that bring you the same kind of experience…OVER AND OVER AGAIN….until you have had enough…AND YOU DECIDE TO CHANGE! AND THAT DECISION WILL BREAK THE PATTERN!
But if you want to break the pattern without getting to that “I’ve had enough of this situation” point…because you are tired of suffering….you can do that…just continue reading on….
If you want to get to a different spot in your life, then your job is to create new wired paths in your brain. You have to fire new neurons in your brain to create new paths. How do you fire your neurons to create new paths that will bring you to the ideal spot in your life?
One of the best ways to do this is by : REPETITION. With repetition, you will create new patterns of thinking…new beliefs…new emotions…new thoughts and actions…
The ideal time to create these new paths in your brain is as soon as you wake up and just before falling asleep or during meditation, because the brain is in the ideal state (theta or alpha) so that you can reprogram your brain with more ease. When you are active during the day, your brain is not very receptive to suggestions…therefore it is best to do it during these optimal times of the day mentioned earlier…
Choose anything you want to create in your life and make a list in your mind or write a list with the beliefs you need in order to get there. For example, if you want to stop procrastinating in your life, you might choose beliefs like:
I am consistent towards taking steps to reach my goals.
I am motivated to create my dream life.
Each day I wake up fired by my goals.
The universe, guides and angels want me to succeed.
And if you want to make more money, you could choose beliefs like:
I am open to receiving more money
Money is just energy
Money makes my life easier and more peaceful
Money is my best friend and supporter
Let’s say you want to manifest true love in your life, you new beliefs could be:
I am lovable and I love myself more each day
Life reflects back to me the love I have for myself
I am important, enough and valuable
Now let’s get back to the wild tropical forest for a brief moment…
You started working on creating these new paths but there are some big obstacles, like big trees that have been fallen on these paths…. and you need some specials tools…you can not lift these heavy obstacles only with your hands…you need a bigger tool….
The same thing happens when you are trying to create new beliefs, feel new feelings and take different actions…
There will be resistance….resistance that comes from emotional wounds and emotional trauma and your ego…so these need to be dealt with if you don’t want them to turn into sabotaging and procrastinating behaviors…so how do you deal with these obstacles?
The best tool is a journal, it doesn’t cost a thing and you can destroy anything you have written down if you’re not comfortable with keeping these notes.
If you feel that your emotions are heavy (most of them come from your past: emotional trauma and emotional wounds) start journaling them. Write down how you are feeling: sad, depressed, scared, lonely, lost, confused, stuck….
By doing this exercice, you are giving yourself importance and you are practicing self-love. Take a little step each day and love yourself a little bit more each day by journaling your feelings.
Just in this moment when you are reading this article, your ego could try to stop you from taking action on this…saying things like: you can’t do this, you don’t have the time, what’s the point? Be very mindful of how your ego mind always tries to protect you from taking risks or being disappointed…but in the same time keeps you stuck…
The main benefits of these journaling exercises is that you are healing your past, you will get more clarity on what you really need and you’ll access your intuition with more ease and get clarity on the next steps to take. Also, by journaling, other limiting beliefs will come up that you are not even aware of…to counteract these limiting beliefs, create new positive beliefs and create new paths in your brain by doing the 1st mentioned exercice…
Creating these new paths in your brain and releasing your past emotional baggage is the ultimate path to your destiny. You deserve to have all that you need be it : true love, more money and abundance. It all starts with you doing the work. Nobody can do it for you and I can’t do it for you either…the power is in your hands…
You are the only one responsible for your happiness and you have nothing to lose!
Mystical Queen Goddess