Why anxiety is truly a gift

Why anxiety is a gift🎁

I used to be a very anxious😟 person but it was something that I thought was part of my personality…

I coped with my anxiety and panic attacks with food🍫…it was calming me down and grounding me…

I didn’t realize at that time that being calm and peaceful😌 was the norm for others…

I had grew up in an environment where emotions weren’t allowed, and there was visible and invisible abuse…

Because I couldn’t protect myself from my abusers and didn’t know how to deal with the turmoil in a healthy way…and because a child rarely sees the fault in her caretakers but rather in her…

I was left with emotional and subconscious scars like limiting beliefs and trapped emotions in my body…

One day I decided to work on my anxiety triggers…

I would get home from my 9 to 5 work triggered by something that my boss said…

And I would write on a white board…

I would feel any emotion that was coming up for me…even if it felt painful…💔

And I wouldn’t stop writing until I would get to the bottom of it….
And to the reason for my triggers…were always, always, always…
Limiting beliefs about me or the world around me…

Like: I am not smart…I am not enough…I am not safe expressing my self…My needs are not important…My value comes from working hard…It’s a dangerous world out there…It’s not safe to be me…

I would then work on transforming these negative beliefs…

Until the next trigger would arrive…which meant other new limiting beliefs were coming up up for me to heal and release…

Until there were less and less triggers…because the more I was transforming my beliefs, the less I was being triggered…

My intuition started sharpening, I was getting guidance to manifest my desires🪄, I was in a calmer and more peaceful state and a much higher frequency…

I started feeling different, I started acting different and continued manifesting through the guidance of my intuition…🦉

So anxiety is not there to make you suffer…

It’s not there to make your life a living hell…

Anxiety is not there for a lifetime…

Anxiety is not a curse…

Anxiety should not be treated superficially with meds, drugs, superficial therapy and temporary relief…there is so much more behind anxiety…

Anxiety should be used as a tool for healing, self-discovery, self-empowerment and transformation, manifestation of your dreams and desires!

Anxiety is a gift to find your true self again that is buried underneath the panic attacks, the anxiety, the fear, the trapped emotions in your body and the limiting beliefs…

Under all these symptoms, you will find the true you, the you that feels:

Enough…valuable…lovable…safe…peaceful…perfectly imperfect…gifted…a natural born manifestor…🪄

You’ve always been a powerful manifestor🪄 but when you shift and raise your frequency, you become a conscious manifestor!

You get out of the never-ending loop of attracting the same difficult experiences over and over and over again…😤

This is how you get unstuck!

Anxiety is a gift when you choose to really go deep and uncover its treasure💎!

Anxiety should be used for your own self-development and transformation!

Anxiety should be honored because it helped you survive the worst!

Anxiety is your body trying to communicate with you to listen…and stop dealing with it in a superficial and temporary way….

Use anxiety as an opportunity to uncover your limitations…

Use anxiety to transform these limitations and become a new you…the true powerful you’ve been since birth…

Use each anxiety episode to uncover all that remains to be uncovered until you have released, healed and transformed all of your limitations…

Let’s stop the superficial therapy, the superficial treatments and even if temporary relief is necessary sometimes…go back to that episode and dive deep into what this gift has to reveal to you…

You’ll be so proud and happy that you did! This was my story and today you can start travelling the same path of self-discovery, healing, transformation, self-empowerment and conscious manifesting! 💜💜💜

Bianca Piculeata aka Mystical Queen Goddess